Wedding Details

Date Saturday, January 13th, 2018
Time of Ceremony 1800
Location Waterfront Event Center
1723 61st Street Galveston, TX 77551
Maid of Honor Sarah Cole
Best Man Robert Gaddie
Bridesmaid Kathi Hammerle
Void Walker Shawn Huckabay
Groomsmen Michael Cole, Brandon Pierce
Clergy Gaia Hamlin
Photography Chrissy O'Toole
DJ/Music Spotify + Chromecast
  • Open Bar
    • Variety of Beer
    • Variety of Wine (white and red)
    • Variety of Liquor
    • Various juices
    • Various sodas
    • Various cocktail requirements
    • No charge. For real. Enjoy!
  • Tea and Water provided by the Caterer
Catering Cityview Catering (roughly $40 per person)
  • Hors D'oeuvres
    • Display of Bruschetta and Tapanade
      • Green and Black Olive Tapenade with Feta Cheese
      • Classic Brushcetta with diced Roma Tomatoes fresh Basil and Garlic
      • Roasted Eggplant Bruschetta with Tomato and Basil
      • Artichoke and Goat Cheese Bruschetta
      • Served with Crostinis
  • Salads
    • Winter Salad
      • Romaine Lettuce, Fennel, Green Apples, Cranberries, Boursin Cheese, Candied Pecans. Served with Apple Cider Vinaigrette
    • Mesclun Green Salad
      • Mesclun Green Salad, Roasted Corn, Boursin Cheese, Tomatoes, and Cucumber, Pico. Served with Creamy Cilantro Dressing
  • Entrees
    • Chicken Chasseur
      • Chicken braised in a classic hunter sauce made with Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Shallots, White Wine and herbs de Provence
    • Blackened Tofu
      • with goat cheese, potato cake, ratatouille and Cajun cream sauce
    • Braised Brisket
      • with a Bourbon and Peach Glaze
  • Vegetables
    • Charred Green Beans
    • Julienne Vegetables (Yellow Squash, Zucchini, and Carrots)
  • Starches
    • Scalloped Potatoes
    • Parmesan Risotto
  • Dinner Rolls

The Ceremony

Materials Needed

  • Dozen black candles
  • 1 red or ceremonial candle
  • 1 large quartz crystal
  • 1 short sword
  • 1 chalice
  • 1 cord
  • Incense
  • Bride’s ring
  • Groom’s ring
  • Ceremonial bell or gong


The altar and room is lit by a dozen black candles. One red candle sits on the altar, also incense, bell or gong, one silver chalice, a short sword (or dagger), a quartz crystal, wedding rings and length of cord.

The bride and groom will be dressed or undressed, according to their desires. A Baphomet amulet shall be worn around the neck. A selection of music shall be agreed upon by both bride and groom and played in the background as bride and assembled guests enter.


The groom stands next to the best man to the right, near the altar. Before the bride and the one who gives her away comes down the aisle, there will be the usual procession of bridesmaids, ushers, flower girls, etc. The CLERGY stands in front of the altar, facing the congregation. When the ceremony is about to begin, the best man strikes the gong (or rings the bell toward the assembly) three times (slowly).


Consecrate this place with the power and love. Join with us, we say in the binding of these two who shall be as one. They desire to make their union a matter of record, so that their friends and the society in which they live may bear witness and lend support.

Diana and Adonis, Ishtar and Tammuz, Freya and Odin... by these and other names are divine lovers known. Let these two know join their ranks.

[CLERGY takes up the red candle from the altar and raises it to the south.]

We call upon the element of fire to come serve us! Flame the passion of Alice and Jason and fill them with all consuming ardor and lust for each other!

[CLERGY takes up incense from the altar and raises it to the east.]

We call upon the element of the air to come serve us! Consciousness flows, one to the other, so this couple may share a mutual wisdom and unified vision.

[CLERGY takes up the crystal from the altar and raises it to the north.]

We call upon the element of the earth to come serve us! Strength and constancy shall keep them together as long as they both shall live.

[CLERGY takes up a chalice filled with wine from the altar and raises it to the west.]

We call upon the element of water to come serve us! Grant Alice and Jason the qualities of serenity and patience and a love as deep as the ocean.

Bride and groom, up until this moment you have been separate in thought, word and action. As this cord binds together your hands, so do your lives become joined.

[CLERGY takes up the cord from the altar and ties together GROOM'S left and BRIDE'S right hands.]

Alice, you bring energy, boundless, dark, intuitive, and soft. I bid you blend these energies with Jason to make your lives together whole. Take this cup as a symbol of your love.

[CLERGY takes the chalice from the altar and puts it in the bride's left hand.]

Jason, you bring energy, expansive, bright, logical and hard. I bid you blend these energies with Alice to make your lives together whole. Wield this blade as a symbol of your love.

[CLERGY takes up short sword from the altar and places it in the GROOM'S right hand.]


I pledge my blade, as I pledge my soul, ever to your service. Like this blade my love for you will be strong and enduring, so that our lives together will always be protected. Accept it, my beloved, and with it all that is mine becomes yours. Even if our paths should later diverge, yet I will always be your true friend, to love you and lend you aid and protection. By seed and root, by bud and stem, by leaf and flower and fruit, by life and love, I, Jason, take you, Alice, to my hand, my heart, and my spirit.


I pledge this chalice, as I pledge my soul, ever to your service. As from this cup, my love for you will pour forth so that our lives together will be nourished. Accept it, my beloved, and with it all that is mine also becomes yours. Even if our paths should later diverge, yet I will always be your true friend, to love you and lend you aid and protection. By seed and root, by bud and stem, by leaf and flower and fruit, by life and love, I, Alice, take you, Jason, to my hand, my heart, and my spirit.

[GROOM dips the blade into the chalice.]


Chaos and order, yin and yang, dark and light... neither has meaning without the other, but through their eternal interplay the universe is born.

[CLERGY takes blade and chalice and puts them on the altar.]

This bond I draw between you; when you are parted in mind or body, there will be a call in the core of you, one to the other, to which nothing and no one else will answer. By the secrets of the earth and water is this bond woven, unbreakable, irrevocable. By the law that created fire and wind is this bond written in your souls.

[CLERGY unties the cord that binds BRIDE'S and GROOM'S hands and places it on the altar. CLERGY takes up couple's rings.]

Your vows have been made before your friends, your family, the darkness, and the light. These rings, like your vows, are without beginning or end. They are the physical representation of your promises to each other's spirits.

[BRIDE takes GROOM'S ring and places it on his finger. GROOM takes BRIDE'S ring and places it on her finger.]

Above you are the stars, below you are the stones. As time passes, remember - like a star should your love be constant, like the earth should your love be firm. Have no fear and let not the ways or words of the unenlightened give you unease, now and always! I now pronounce you husband and wife. The work of joy is done and yet begun!

[BRIDE and GROOM kiss.]


HAIL Alice!


HAIL Alice!


HAIL Jason!


HAIL Jason!

[Voidwalker strikes the gong (or rings the bell) once. Candles are extinguished.]